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Training Courses Available 

SPOTlight Trust SA aims to provide regular introductory and parent courses around South Africa and in neighboring countries, where possible. Watch this page for our next round of workshops or special events

Nothing to book right now. Check back soon.
About DIR Floortime

Frequently children with special needs are challenged by neurobiological factors, which make it difficult to participate and enjoy early emotional interactions with their parents. These shared interactions between parent and child that are meaningful, positive and pleasurable create the foundation necessary for all development. The DIRFloortime® model supports parents in their natural and pivotal partnership with their child – promoting their development across a wide range, including regulation, joint attention, communication and language, motor skills, cognition, ideation and execution, and social problem-solving. Floortime essentially means joining the child where they are, revisiting previously missed growth opportunities and moving forward.

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2025 Courses

Cape Town

17 & 18 May 2025


16 & 17 August 2025


October 2025 (TBC)

Anytime, anywhere.  For more information go to our online training courses

Online bookings start soon!

Do the Profectum CL1 course with Kate Bailey

Only a few spaces left! Classes start at the end of February.

Contact us for more information on

Our Workshop

This introductory course will give parents, teachers and therapists, working with children who have relating and communication challenges (including those on the autistic spectrum) a greater understanding of their social emotional state and how this impacts upon their ability to function across different environments. This practical workshop will also provide insight as to how to interact therapeutically and give you DIR strategies to enable you to apply the DIR principles in your home and school environment


Early Bird Rate (Closes 2 months prior to course date)

R2250 -   Health Care professionals

R2050 - Parents, Teachers, Paraprofessionals

Normal Rate

R2500 – Health Care professionals

R2300– Parents, Teachers, Paraprofessionals

Group Rate

R2000 for groups of 5

Online Rates

R2500 (as of 1 June 2023 and will now include the notes, CPD points and Spotlight membership) 


12 CPD for the in person course

9 CPD points for the complete online course

Online course requires completion of 3 MCQ questionnaires on


Those who have been to our courses

Hello and Welcome
SPOTlight Trust

Hello and Welcome

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Alicia M. 

“Easy understandable topics explained thoroughly... I feel like I can treat more efficiently.”

Ashley J. 

I attended the spotlight introductory course which I thoroughly enjoyed. It allowed me to use so many techniques and ignited me to take the DIR Floortime journey further.


I feel it also gave me the foundation for Profectum Professionals certification course, which allowed me to learn more.”

Jeanne S.

Thanks for the wonderful course. It was very insightful and reinforced that its not just teaching our special needs kids, but letting them teach us.

Sally P.

Shanna L.

Thank you to the wonderful Spotlight SA team for organising the introduction DIR floortime course👏! It was such an incredible experience. I cannot wait to continue my DIR journey😁.

I have just completed my DIR level 1 certificate through Profectum after having done Spotlight’s introductory course. DIR has transformed my treatment as an OT.

I had always heard about ‘Floor time’, but did not know too much about it. I decided to do the introductory course through Spotlight in Durban in 2020. I was completely sold. Kate, Micah-Lee and Cheryl’s passion for the model is inspiring.

The two-day introductory course gave me a great foundation and overview into the nuts and bolts of DIR and how I can apply it to my client base. The course is perfect mix of theory and practice with ‘real therapy' videos and practical lectures. I was captivated the entire time. It prompted me to want to further expand my knowledge and skill, which I then did through Profectum’s year long course.

As an OT, it has transformed my treatment approach, specifically with children diagnosed with ASD. The relationship, strengths based model of DIR has given me the tools to meet each child at their level and through this connection; I feel that my treatment is so much more effective. 

I cannot recommend the Spotlight Intro course enough.

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SPOTlight Trust SA is the official affiliate to The Profectum Foundation in South Africa.​

NPO No. – 106-516

PBO No. – 0787/129/19/6

Trust Reg. No. – IT 1858/2011

Section 18 CAS Approved

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